To eliminate the fine suspended solids , the sand filter is used considering benefits just like high speed filtration and to low filling up capacity and minimum head loss of pressure sand filters are applied as the most general kinds .Usually , in this kind of filters several layers media (floating )  are applied, so that the larger sizes are placed in lower layers and smaller sizes are placed in higher layers. The reason of low water pressure , is the gathering of floating particles in the filter’s media .Two kinds of the under pressure filters , that is vertical & horizontal , are designed and made by SUPER ACTION GROUP .

The sedimentation of floating particles would be up to 10 microns. A small basin applies to be used before the sand filter.

The general specification of this kind of filters is as follow:
1-The sets have been designed for the work pressure of 6 bars.
2-The placing of manifold and laterals is on the lower cap, so that welding on the cap is not required.
3-The whole internal surfaces are coated by a layer of Epoxy .
4-Applying manifold and laterals are based on work conditions in two kinds’ polypropylene   and brass.
5-Each set of the sand filters is equipped of up & down manhole and manometer.